Come Closer: A Review of Shawn Powell at Abattoir Gallery, Cleveland

The Midwest Art Quarterly

Triangle, Circle, Square

Solo Exhibition at Abattoir Gallery, Cleveland, OH, October through December 2024

Photo Cred: Field Studio Photography

Moreover: 50 Paintings, pt 2

curated by Michelle Grabner

April 12 - May 11, 2024

Green Gallery, Milwaukee, WI

Free Hermit Crab Tomorrow

A group show curated by Patrick Berran

Flags: nido

Solo exhibition of work at Marrow Gallery, San Fransisco March 2024

Photo Cred: Zoe Griffing Heller

Living in the Play: Nido II

Living In The Play: nido II is an international consortium of artists living and working in Monte Castello di Vibio, Italy, during a two week artist residency culminating in an exhibition of artworks. The exhibition opens Thursday, August 24, 6pm-8pm with a reception and is on view through Saturday, August 26, 1pm.

Kathryn Alder, Bailey Fritz, Keeley Haftner, Kate Hampel, Mark Jeffery, Kelly Kaczynski, Arnold J. Kemp, Emily Lanctot, Heather Lyon, Kristin Mariani, Jeffrey McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, Jessica Mueller, Shawn Powell, misael soto, Annie Wischmeyer, Curator Kevin Wixted

Image: Shawn Powell, Weeds in Stone Wall, 2023, acrylic on hand-cut paper on stone wall, dimensions variable.

Alfred/Düsseldorf Residency and Open Studio Exhibiton

Düsseldorf, Germany, June 2023

Photo Cred: Zoe Griffing Heller

Presence as Object

Group Exhibition opening at Webster University in St. Louis on February 10th, 2023.

Maryville, Missouri based-German artist Armin Mühsam; Los Angeles-based Kelley Johnson; Kevin Umana Kansas City, Missouri artist; and Shawn Powell from Kent, Ohio.

Photo Cred: Tim Safranek

Akron Art Museum

The painting Bike, Backpack, Lolipop, Flute, Shuttlecock, and Partial Dentures was acquired by and is now on view at the Akron Art Museum!.

Photo Cred: Tim Safranek



A solo exhibition of new works at Abattoir Gallery, Cleveland, Ohio through December 03, 2022.

More Info and Press Release at Abattoir Gallery

Photo Cred: Tim Safranek

nido Residency and Exhibition

Poor Farm satellite residency in Monte Castello di Vibio, Italy, Summer 2022, hosted by Michelle Grabner and Brad Killam

Photo Cred: Tim Safranek


Travis Collinson, Kristin Farr, Shawn Powell

March 12-April 15, 2022

Marrow Gallery, San Francisco

Photo Cred: Field Studio Photography

Nada and Friends in

Cleveland Scene

Peter Demos

Caitlin MacBride

John Pearson

Shawn Powell

Thomas Spoerndle

Link here

Photo Cred: Field Studio Photography

NADA Miami 2021

Caitlin MacBride and Shawn Powell



Tennis Elbow

The Journal Gallery

Opening, Friday, July 9th 4-6 pm.

Link Here

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The Dead Don’t Die

Curated by

Shawn Powell

Abattoir Gallery

, Cleveland, Ohio

PDF Catalogue and essay by the curator may be found here

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Anniversary Edition, Issue 20, 2020
Curated by Zoe Fisher


Gazebo Gallery in New Art Examiner

Link here

“Intriguing concepts are to be found throughout Ohio. In Kent, Gazebo is (for now) an under-the-radar space run by Shawn Powell, artist and assistant professor at Kent State University; and Annie Wischmeyer, curatorial consultant at Curated Storefront and the 2022 Front International Triennial. It is a playful yet challenging space located on their bucolic property which could itself be the subject of a Michael Raedecker or Peter Doig painting. The project’s name is literal, so artists must find ways to adapt to the little summer house by the lake. It is the kind of refreshing, unpretentious venture that’s provocative for artists to consider, with the potential to cultivate critical investment.” Darren Jones

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Secret of the Friendly Woods

Wassaic Project Publication

More info here

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Photo Cred: Field Studio Photography

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Link here

Beach Towel, Rubber Gloves and Hot Dogs, 2020, by Shawn Powell

“The months-long closure of galleries and museums managed to make the near seem far; in turn, the far (from me, at least) now seem close at hand—like the newly opened Abattoir, in Cleveland. The gallery's second exhibition, running through September 12, presents work from two artists, but it's the paintings by Shawn Powell that hit upon the juxtaposition of summer fun and disquieting unease. In his crisp striped canvases scaled like beach towels, trompe l'oeil folds make room for everyday oddities: tube socks, revolver, tooth, plastic rings from a six-pack destined for the flotilla of ocean trash. Paintings this exuberant, this formally precise (the press release references Daniel Buren and Olivier Mosset) have the added benefit of translating even through a tiny phone screen. The twinset of hot dogs and rubber gloves here is a particular favorite, hanging as it does inside a former meatpacking plant”.

Laura Regensdorf

“Abattoir Gallery Breaths Life Into the Mundane: Featuring the Latest Works by Shawn Powell and Lauren Yeager

Cleveland SCENE

Link here

Photo Cred: Field Studio Photography

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Photo Cred: Cary Whittier

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Photo Cred: Cary Whittier

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Link here

Photo Cred: Cary Whittier

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Link here

Photo Cred: Anda Marie Manteufel